Our Community

At Shepherds, community is an integral part of the spiritual growth our students experience. We have a variety of avenues by which community is developed, including our weekly chapel services during the academic year, as well as several opportunities for fellowship among students, their families, and the faculty and staff of Shepherds.



During the fall and spring semesters, the seminary community comes together on Mondays for a thirty-minute chapel service (11:40pm–12:15pm). The purpose of chapel is twofold: (1) worship, expressed in the proclamation of the Word, prayer, and music; and (2) exposure to current issues and ministries. Our speakers include pastors, missionaries, faculty members, and other Christian leaders. Because chapel is an important component in pastoral training, the student’s spiritual formation, and the seminary educational experience, attendance is required. Students are asked to make every attempt to order their schedules in a way to adhere to chapel requirements.

Ministry Opportunities


There are many ways to get involved in ministry at Shepherds. Whether it is through our connection to The Shepherd’s Church, our Shepherds 360 network of churches, or through our partnerships with other local churches and ministries, we do our best to make sure students are not only trained for ministry, but that they experience ministry as well!

Personal discipleship


We are committed to helping students grow in Christ and identify God-given abilities by personal interaction within the seminary community. The strong academic curriculum that STS requires, combined with both a faculty of practicing ministers and the intentional mentoring and discipleship that takes place, provides a biblical foundation for spiritual growth, character formation, and development of practical skills.

sts women together


The women of Shepherds Theological Seminary—including students, wives, and staff—come together each semester to inspire and support one another while talking about a myriad of topics that challenge women today. Join us to experience true community and find out how STS women can be used by God right here, and right now! The group is led by Dean of Women Miriam Lofquist.

sts family picnic


The STS Family Picnic is an organized event where students, faculty, staff, and their families come together outside for an afternoon of hotdogs, hamburgers, games, and fellowship.

Student fellowships


Student fellowships are informal, unpretentious, unrequired, semi-occasional, and largely unstructured gatherings of the STS family to learn a little and fellowship a lot.  We meet periodically (usually about twice a semester) at the home of a faculty member for fellowship, snacks, and a discussion of some relevant topic. The schedule is announced at the beginning of each semester.