A Seminary for the Local Church, In the Local Church
One of our most distinct advantages is that we are embedded in a local church, allowing students the opportunity to both study under world-class academics and to learn valuable, practical ministry skills and real-world lessons inside a vibrant church. Students are able to benefit personally as well as serve in an environment where servant leadership is modeled.
When the Apostle Paul told Timothy to “preach the word,” it wasn’t a suggestion, but a command. To preach the word of God is to deliver the message of God directly from His heart to ours. Among numerous God-designed benefits, expository preaching protects the flock from being shaped into the image of the preacher, conveying instead the image of Christ. Anything less than expository preaching isn’t just laziness – it is tantamount to defiance.
STS stands out for its commitment to dispensationalism as the proper method for interpreting scripture. We believe this approach, characterized by its fidelity to the Bible’s integrity and respect for its divine authorship, provides unparalleled consistency. Contrary to being a predetermined lens, dispensationalism emerges naturally from a rigorous, literal, and grammatical-historical reading of the Bible. This unwavering commitment shapes every aspect of our educational experience, from the classroom instruction to the theological positions we espouse. Learn more here.
Theological training, practical coaching, and financial provision define the goals of Shepherds’ dedication to reaching communities with new or revitalized churches. Two major graduate degree programs give students all the theological and practical training needed under the guidance of experienced pastoral faculty who have effectively practiced church planting and revitalization in communities throughout the US and overseas.
The 3-Year MDiv cohort program is an accelerated pastoral ministry program offering a comprehensive curriculum that equips students for ministry. Students will learn the biblical languages, explore scripture from beginning to end, and gain a systematic understanding of Christian doctrines. The program also delves into the practical aspects of ministry, teaching the principles and practices of teaching, counseling, and discipleship. Graduates will leave with the foundational knowledge and versatile skills needed to serve effectively in any ministry setting.
In one calendar year, students in our one-year master’s program are given a firm foundation in understanding and living out the Bible. Our one-year format makes theological training available to future teachers and for men and women of all professions. It is available at our teaching sites in Laramie, WY, and Bryan, TX.
Our Shepherds faculty host a study trip to Israel with the specific intent of not only educating each student about Israel . . . but educating them in Israel. Our generous donors have made it possible for Shepherds to underwrite the land costs and most meals for the Israel Initiative, leaving students with only minimal costs for lunches, snacks, and souvenirs.
Our desire is to offer fully-accredited graduate degrees without adding debt to our students’ undergraduate debt. We deliberately keep tuition low and offer a number of excellent scholarships, along with tuition Grant-in-Aid for qualified students. We are also approved for Title IV funds and for military and veterans benefits.
With the advent of online education, many schools offer programs that create a disconnect between faculty and students, and between the students themselves. Live synchronous distance education provides a learning environment that allows the same interactions as would be found in a residency-based classroom. Such interactions provide an opportunity for faculty mentoring as well as effective education.
Shepherds is accredited by the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) in the United States and Canada.
Founder and president

Stephen Davey, the son of missionary parents, was raised to love Christ and the gospel. In his last year of high school, Stephen committed his life to serve Christ vocationally wherever God chose to assign him in ministry.
Following graduation from Dallas Seminary in 1986, Stephen and his wife Marsha moved with their infant twin sons to Cary, North Carolina, to plant The Shepherd’s Church. Committed to the exposition of Scripture and the doctrines of grace, the church plant grew to include several thousand households . . .
Shepherds Theological Seminary was birthed in the local church in 2003 by Stephen Davey, pastor/teacher of The Shepherd’s Church with the vision “. . . to produce a generation of servant leaders who are equipped for effective ministry within their local church, and to prepare those who will serve vocationally as pastors, teachers, global workers, educators, and ministry leaders.” Over the years, Shepherds has grown from a handful of graduate students in one degree program to a vibrant accredited seminary now offering seven degrees and three diploma studies. Our graduates are serving Christ and His church in 22 countries abroad as well as 34 states here in our own country. We remain a local-church-based seminary with a passion to train the minds, impact the hearts, and prepare the hands of our students for the calling of God in their lives.
Vision & Mission
Our vision is to transform the way seminary is done, with a focus on scholarship, leadership, and discipleship, both in and for the local church. We are the local-church seminary with a global impact.
Our mission is to impact the world for Christ by equipping servant leaders for life and ministry, strategically shaping both intellect and character through biblical scholarship and personal mentoring.
Our Core Values
The STS Vision & Mission reflects the following three core values to which the Seminary is committed.
Servant Leadership
“Shepherds Theological Seminary exists to equip servant leaders for life and ministry . . .”
Therefore, we are committed to a Spirit-led life and ministry modeled after the servant leadership of Jesus Christ.
Biblical Scholarship
“. . . strategically shaping both intellect and character through biblical scholarship . . .”
Therefore, we are committed to teaching an integrated body of truth as expressed in our doctrinal statement.
Personal Discipleship
“. . . and personal mentoring.”
Therefore, we are committed to helping students grow in Christ and identify God-given abilities by personal interaction within the seminary community.

The main campus of Shepherds Theological Seminary is housed at The Shepherd’s Church in Cary, North Carolina. Cary is a vibrant suburb of Raleigh/ Durham, as well as home to the nationally-known Research Triangle Park (RTP). An ideal setting for higher education, the Raleigh/Durham area is home to almost 3 million people representing diverse cultures and age groups. Situated between the Blue Ridge Mountains and North Carolina’s coastal shores, the area offers an exceptional quality of life.
Located at:
The Shepherd’s Church
6051 Tryon Rd
Cary, NC 27518
Located in Laramie, Wyoming, The WEST Institute is a partnership between STS and Laramie Valley Chapel that offers a fully accredited 42-hour Master of Theological Studies in just 12 months. This accelerated program is designed to help all believers understand their Bible and know how to apply it to their life in confronting sin, growing in their relationship with the Lord, and serving in the local church to build it up. It stretches students in their faith through intensive study of the Bible, living in community, and experiencing God’s creation in various outdoor pursuits with the goal of closeness with Christ and living a more effective life of ministry.
Located at:
Laramie Valley Chapel
4801 Quarterhorse Dr
Laramie, WY 82070
STS Texas is located on the campus of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Bryan, Texas—just minutes from Texas A&M and College Station. At STS Texas, we offer the Master of Theological Studies degree through both the one-year accelerated and the traditional semester format, the latter having options for both daytime and evening courses.
Located at:
Emmanuel Baptist Church
7320 Steep Hollow Rd
Bryan, TX 77808