Hayley, Serving in South Asia

In 2017, Jeremy Smith of The WEST Institute came to speak at my college — at the time, even though I was actively discerning God’s call on my life to serve overseas, more school of any sort was the absolute last thing I wanted to do! Jeremy shared his personal experience: “I was serving kids, but did not have a grasp of God’s Word. I knew it was time I stopped making excuses for not knowing the Word of God, and in turn not knowing the God of His Word.” This cut me to the heart; soon after, God settled in my mind that I would be attending The WEST Institute.

The deep and extensive handling of God’s word by The WEST professors left me in wide-eyed amazement; I was eager to be part of proclaiming the Gospel boldly to the nations. And I can not overestimate the impact of traveling to Israel and Jordan, and seeing the Bible come alive before my eyes! I graduated with my Master of Theological Studies in 2020. In 2021, I joined a long-term team to South Asia.

Right now, my main job is to abide well with the Father and to learn the local language. I will have opportunities to evangelize and disciple underprivileged Hindu women, and hopefully Muslims too. I am excited to help them see God’s great love and purpose for them in Jesus Christ. My role here is still being formatted and will look different when COVID lifts.

I am thankful for the prayers of faithful friends, and for The WEST Institute in preparing me; I count them as among those who have ‘held the other end of the rope,’ so to speak.

Please join in intercessory prayer for God’s work in South Asia; pray also for me.

If you would like to connect with Hayley, please email info@shepherds.edu.

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