To help you through this process we suggest the following steps:

Step 1: Contact Us For Any Questions

Please contact us to ask any questions you may have. We want to hear from you and to provide you with all the information you need as you make this important decision. Our staff will commit to praying for you as you consider your future.

Step 2: Submit the Application

Future students are encouraged to apply to the program as soon as possible. Once accepted, students will be given a reading list for the upcoming year. A large portion of the reading requirements can be completed in the months leading up to the beginning of classes.

Applications should be submitted no later than June 15 to allow time for processing and planning. It is possible to enroll later than June 15. However, those seeking late acceptance should contact us before applying.

The first step for applying to the one-year program at STS Texas can be found through the link below. NOTE: For the entrance term, please choose the “Fall One-Year Cohort” option that corresponds to the year you will begin your studies with us.

All students taking courses at Shepherds Institute must apply to the Master of Theological Studies degree program. You will need to download the 3 reference forms, give them to the appropriate reference person, and have the references sent directly to Shepherds Theological Seminary. There is also an official transcript request form that you can download and send to the different colleges you attended.


Our one-year degree format greatly reduces the overall costs associated with attending seminary. Students pay tuition and fees directly to Shepherds Theological Seminary. Students can pay monthly or by semester. Shepherds has one of the lowest seminary tuition costs in the country. In addition to tuition, students will pay fees that cover items such as a license for Logos Bible software and Shepherds Theological Seminary’s graduation fee. For current tuition and fee rates for Shepherds, please click here.


Additional Expense for One-Year MTS Students


Students are responsible to purchase airfare for the Israel Initiative trip. Normal tuition and generous donations cover the remainder of the costs for this student trip (with the exception of lunches in Israel). Students electing to participate in the Jordan trip en route to Israel will be responsible to cover all expenses associated with Jordan.


Auditing: all classes from the MTS program may be audited for a discounted rate. Please click here for current audit rates. Please contact us for more information.


Financial aid comes in many varieties: seminary scholarships and grants, private loans, and veterans’ benefits. One of our primary goals is stewardship and making sure students do not take on more debt than they can realistically handle. All financial aid is administered through Shepherds Theological Seminary. Follow the links below to get more information.

Shepherds Theological Seminary Financial Aid

Military and VA Education Benefits

If you are on active duty, a veteran, or a veteran’s dependent, please contact us to find out more about Military and VA benefits you may be eligible for and how to apply those in the one-year program at STS Texas.

See the STS Texas General Info page for more information.