The Heart Study devotional materials have been developed to guide one-year students at STS Texas and if married, their spouses, through the depths of their own hearts. As they grow in their knowledge of the Bible through the academic portion of the program, the Heart Study asks participants the question, “How should this knowledge impact your walk with God, your relationships with others, and your personal holiness?”
Participants spend the week working through a specific topic, and then come together weekly for a time of sharing a meal, fellowship, worship, and discussion. The Heart Study includes all students, and if married, their spouses, and the staff of STS Texas.
Students begin the year together sharing their detailed testimony with the group, then work each week through devotional materials addressing issues from the futility of man, to addictions, purity, anxiety, and love for one another. We are committed to seeing men and women who not only know God’s Word, but also live in response to that knowledge.
Life-on-life discipleship is at the heart of the one-year program at STS Texas. It is not a one-way lecture or another class, but rather an engagement throughout the year between the faculty and staff of STS Texas, the local church, fellow students, God, His Word, Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
One-year students at STS Texas complete the full one-year program as a cohort. Banded together for mutual benefit, students learn the Bible, experience outdoor adventures, and travel to Israel and Jordan. They walk together through the topics of the Heart Study, and often they live with fellow students throughout the year. In addition, the staff of STS Texas is committed to providing personal mentoring for each student. These aspects of community combine to create a culture where students are challenged to grow and live authentically in community throughout their time in the program. Discipleship is more than a class—it is at the heart of all we do in the one-year program at STS Texas.