A Brief History of Fundamentalism

A Brief History of Fundamentalism

Back in the 1970’s when I was teaching at a Bible college, one of my students asked me, somewhat tongue in cheek, what descriptive terms he should use to describe his ministry views in order for him to be, in his words, “the top dog.” He meant, like “fundamentalist.”...

Current Issues in Trinitarian Studies

Augustine, the great Western theologian and pastor, said: “There is no subject where error is more dangerous, research more laborious, and discovery more fruitful than the oneness of the Trinity [unitas trinitatis] of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”1  ...
The Genealogies of Jesus

The Genealogies of Jesus

The New Testament includes two genealogies of Jesus of Nazareth, one in Matthew 1:1-17, and another in Luke 3:23-38. Although the modern reader may find these lists of names less than scintillating, they are in fact supremely important to the argument of the New...