A Christian Perspective on The State of Israel

A Christian Perspective on The State of Israel

With tragic current events in the Middle East, many pastors have to deal with questions regarding Israel. How should the pastor respond from the pulpit to these questions? To what extent should Christians stand with the State of Israel? How should we think about...
Advice for a Young Pastor’s Wife

Advice for a Young Pastor’s Wife

I was raised in a pastor’s home and I’ve served as a pastor’s wife for approaching fifty years. I’d like to share with young pastors’ wives some of the insights I’ve gained through the many blessings of ministry that were also mingled with some real challenges. I...
The Imprecatory Psalms

The Imprecatory Psalms

There are times in the reading of God’s Word when one may encounter controversial language or words that cause discomfort. Such situations may include descriptions of violence and judgment in the historical narratives and prophecies of the Old Testament, or the future...
A Copernican Revolution

A Copernican Revolution

While recently reading Post-Christian: A Guide to Contemporary Thought and Culture by Gene Edward Veith Jr., my thoughts went on a tangential journey about the Copernican Revolution of the 16th Century. Up to that time, astronomers and scientists thought the Earth was...
How Moses Shifted from Burnout to Multiplication

How Moses Shifted from Burnout to Multiplication

The American church today faces a leadership crisis. Symptoms of this crisis include leadership burnout, fatigue, and a growing number of retiring pastors with fewer leaders to take their place. Barna Research conducted a survey in 2022 of church leaders. Many of them...