Class Schedule

First-time audit and credit students must apply before enrolling in any courses. All class times are Eastern time.

Chapel is from 11:40AM – 12:15PM each Monday during the Academic year (except during academic breaks). 
Attendance is required for all students who have classes during the periods prior to or subsequent to chapel.

Spring 2025

DayClass #Class NameProfessorTimeUnits
MonBE624Exposition of 1 & 2 ThessaloniansDr. Wayne Slusser
(Online Only)
8:30-11:30 am3
MonBE502Old Testament Studies II: Latter Prophets & WritingsDr. Peter Goeman8:30-11:30 am3
MonPT511Spiritual Formation and DiscipleshipDr. Andy Burggraff8:30-11:30 am3
MonNT551Elementary Greek Grammar IIDr. Andrew Smith
(On Campus Only)
Dr. Aaron Valdizan
(Online Only)
1:00-4:00 pm3
MonTH502Systematic Theology IIDr. David Burggraff1:00-4:00 pm3
MonBE710Greco-Roman & Jewish BackgroundsDr. Mary Buck
(Online Only)
1:00-4:00 pm3
MonNT651Biblical Greek Exegesis IIDr. Andrew Smith6:00-9:00 pm3
MonBE603Exposition of PsalmsDr. Peter Goeman6:00-9:00 pm3
MonHT500Historical TheologyDr. David Burggraff6:00-9:00 pm3
TueOT551Biblical Hebrew IIDr. Aaron Valdizan
(Online Only)
6:00-9:00 pm3
TuePT600Leadership Principles and Pastoral TheologyDr. Stephen Davey & Dr. Les Lofquist6:00-9:00 pm3
TueTH601Systematic Theology IVDr. Michael Vlach6:00-9:00 pm3
WedPT701Foundations of Expository PreachingDr. Les Lofquist
(Online Only)
6:00-9:00 pm3
WedBE500Foundations of Biblical CounselingDr. Stephen Pritchett &
Dr. Gary Hallquist
(Online Only)
6:00-9:00 pm3
WedBE613Life of ChristDr. Douglas Bookman6:00-9:00 pm3
ThuOT702Old Testament Textual CriticismDr. Peter Goeman6:00-9:00 pm3
ThuBE512New Testament Studies II: Romans to RevelationDr. Douglas Bookman6:00-9:00 pm3
ThuRS505Research for Theological EducationDr. Thomas Pittman6:00-9:00 pm2
Doctor of Ministry Courses
MonDM816Exposition of 1 & 2 ThessaloniansDr. Wayne Slusser8:30-11:30 am3
MonDM820Preaching and Teaching the PsalmsDr. Peter Goeman6:00-9:00 pm3
Tue-FriDM812Ministry Leader as CommunicatorDr. Timothy Miller2/18-2/214
ThuDM822Advanced Old Testament Textual CriticismDr. Peter Goeman6:00-9:00 pm3

Summer 2025

DayClass #Class NameProfessorTimeUnits
May 19-24TH 501Systematic Theology IDr. David BurggraffMon-Fri 6:00-10:00pm
Sat 8:00am-Noon
June 2-7PT 617Communication Skills for MinistryDr. Andrew BurggraffMon-Fri 6:00-10:00pm
Sat 8:00am-Noon
June 9-14BE 502Old Testament Studies IIDr. Peter GoemanMon-Fri 6:00-10:00pm
Sat 8:00am-Noon
June 16-21PT 514Theology of WorshipDr. Gary HallquistMon-Fri 6:00-10:00pm
Sat 8:00am-Noon
June 23-28BE 627Exposition of RomansDr. Andreas KöstenbergerMon-Fri 6:00-10:00pm
Sat 8:00am-Noon
July 7-12BC 609Counseling Sexual AddictionsDr. Bruce MeyerMon-Fri 6:00-10:00pm
Sat 8:00am-Noon
July 14-19HT 612English Puritans and DissentersDr. Mark LarsonMon-Fri 6:00-10:00pm
Sat 8:00am-Noon

June 2-6*PT 520Ministering in the Town and Country ChurchDr. Ron KlassenSee Website3
June 9-13*PT 522Faith Communication in the Town and Country ContextDr. Rom KlassenSee Website3

*These courses are being taught online from Illinois. Please see website for details —