Monday, October 15, 2025


If you have ever asked questions like “Who is seminary for? What is seminary like? Can I afford it? Is seminary necessary? How can seminary benefit my church? What does auditing a class mean?” then come check out our next DAY AT SHEPHERDS!

Shepherds Theological Seminary’s “Day at Shepherds” event will take place on Monday, October 15th, from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and can be attended in-person or online. This preview day provides potential students and/or ministry partners the opportunity to experience the heartbeat of STS while discovering our core distinctives, programs, and initiatives.

All in-person attendees will enjoy a complimentary continental breakfast and lunch, get a tour of the campus, and meet seminary leadership and faculty. And for our Fall preview day, all first-time Day at Shepherds attendees get to attend our annual Shepherds 360 Conference for free!

So we encourage you to come visit us at our next Day at Shepherds and find out how the Lord might use STS to grow your understanding of Scripture, prepare you for ministry, and deepen your personal walk with Jesus Christ.

If you have any questions, reach out to us at

To register for Day at Shepherds, please complete the form below.

We look forward to meeting you soon!


Please note that all attendees (including spouses and other guests) should register individually.