The Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree provides advanced professional training in the practice of biblically and theologically oriented ministry to those actively involved in vocational ministry.

The DMin degree is the highest professional degree for those engaged in local church and parachurch ministries. It is the highest professional degree offered by Shepherds Theological Seminary (STS). As a professional doctorate, the DMin is analogous to those offered in education (EdD), law (JD), medicine (MD), or dentistry (DDS), but is unlike academic doctorates (PhD, ThD) which, by comparison, primarily equip students to engage in scholarly research and teaching. DMin studies are built on a foundation of biblical theology and ministry theory but focus on practical aspects of ministry.

The DMin degree at STS is in ministry rather than in residence. Students will find themselves at STS two weeks out of the entire year. This allows students to remain in their current ministry, incorporating their studies directly and immediately. The program requires three years of study and includes research projects and real-world engagement as part of the graduate requirements.

Upon completion of the DMin degree at STS, the student will be prepared to do the following:
• Evaluate their own personal, spiritual, and professional development;
• Manifest a maturing and Spirit-filled character as servant-leaders;
• Contribute to the practice of ministry for greater local church and parachurch effectiveness.


Details and DMin FAQs


1. What are the admissions requirements?

The Doctor of Ministry degree builds upon an accredited master’s degree in a ministry related area and upon ministry experience. The following prerequisites apply to DMin applicants.

    • Normally, have at least three (3) years of vocational or bivocational Christian ministry experience since receiving their first ministry graduate degree.
    • Give evidence of growth and competence in ministerial skills and leadership.
    • Be involved in an ongoing ministry.
    • Have an academic record that demonstrates both the ability and the promise of success in doctoral studies. This means a minimum of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in the master’s degree program.
    • Hold an accredited Master of Divinity (MDiv) or its academic equivalent (72+ hours).

Applicants without an accredited MDiv degree may be admitted on a case-by-case basis provided the following criteria are met:

    • Have an accredited Master’s degree (normally an MA or MS degree) in a ministry-related area (Theology, Bible, Church History, Christian Education, Counselling, Christian Ministry, Missions, Preaching and Communication, Church Administration, etc.).
    • Have at least five years of full time vocational Christian ministry experience to enable the applicant to engage as a ministry peer with other students in the DMin program. With at least three of those years following the granting of the ministry related master’s degree.
    • Provide evidence of growth and competence in ministry skills and leadership through detailed personal written testimony and through professional ministry recommendations.
    • Be willing to take additional recommended courses on the MDiv, ThM, or DMin level to enhance the student’s skills and knowledge for the rigors of doctoral research and/or better prepare the student for their ministry setting and vocational calling. The number of additional courses to be determined in consultation with the Director of the DMin Program.
    • Enter the DMin program under provisional status until completing 8-credit hours with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.25 or higher.


2. What Degree Tracks / Concentrations is STS offering?

The Doctor of Ministry degree (DMin) is the only nomenclature allowed by accrediting agencies for this degree (i.e., seen on the DMin diploma). However, schools are allowed to offer the DMin with specializations.

The DMin program at STS offers four concentrations of study:

    • Biblical Leadership
    • Biblical Exposition
    • Biblical Counseling
    • Biblical and Theological Studies


3. What is the program structure?

The DMin degree at STS is designed as a three-year, 34-hour program. The degree requires twenty-four (24) hours of study: four core seminars (16 credits); 1 thesis preparation course (3 credits); three concentration courses (9 credits); and two dissertation semesters (6 hours).

Each of the core DMin seminars is equivalent to four semester credit hours. Students complete relevant reading and assignments before and after an in-resident portion, which meets on the STS campus.  The resident portion of the courses normally occur in October and February.

During pre-residence, students prepare for the resident portion of the seminar by reading assigned books and completing practical assignments.  The resident portion is the time during which students meet as a class with their professors.  The post-resident portion calls for the integration of the course content with the student’s ministry, whereby students are usually required to complete one or more projects or assignments related directly to the course material covered in the course/seminar.  The projects accomplish two purposes: (1) to reinforce, expand, and provide a practical experience relative to the seminar content, and (2) to assist the student in preparing for their dissertation.

The Dissertation will normally take one year (the third year of the program) to complete.  It requires approval of a dissertation proposal by the DMin Committee, research, writing, completion of the dissertation, and oral defense of the dissertation.

The Research Project will normally take one year – the third year of the program – to complete. It requires approval of a research project or dissertation proposal by the DMin Committee, research, writing, completion of the dissertation or research project, and oral defense of the dissertation or research project.


4. What are the program requirements?

Completion of 34 Credit Hours (consisting of the following)

        • 16-hour foundational/core (4 required DMin courses; 4 credit-hours per course)
        • 9-hour concentration in one of the four concentrations (3 courses; 3 credit-hours each)
        • 3-hour Thesis Preparation course/workshop (completed in an live online format)
        • 6-hour dissertation

Transfer of Credit

Transfer of credit for the DMin may not exceed 9 credit hours. ThM or Doctoral-level credit completed at another institution may be applied toward the DMin degree if those hours constitute equivalent work. Requests for transfer of credit should be directed to the DMin director Plans to take other courses for transfer credit must be approved prior to taking any courses.

Successful Completion of Courses and Degree Time Limit

A minimal grade of B (2.7) must be earned in every course credited toward graduation and on the dissertation. All work must be completed within five years from the time of matriculation. Extensions may be granted for extenuating circumstanced in the dissertation phase.


5. Does STS offer an online or distance learning program?

Because Shepherds Theological Seminary believes there is no substitute for face-to-face interaction in a cohort, the four main seminars are residential. Nevertheless, concentration courses will be offered throughout the year and may be taken through Zoom.


6. Is the program individually structured and does each student’s proceed at their individual pace?

While the DMin at STS follows a standard model in which students, in consultation with their advisor, design and customize their degree plan around ministry needs and goals, the program normally follows a cohort model.  In the cohort model, students proceed through the resident part of the program together. The cohort model has the advantage of providing a community experience with fellow learners and faculty. This collaborative learning model places emphasis on building relationships with and among fellow students and faculty and creates an effective learning community. Each cohort will normally complete the DMin degree in three years.


7. What courses comprise the foundational/core courses required for all DMin students?

    • Ministry Leader as Theologian
    • Ministry Leader as Disciple
    • Ministry Leader as Administrator
    • Ministry Leader as Communicator


8. What are the various concentrations?

Doctor of Ministry, Biblical Exposition

The Biblical Exposition concentration is designed to equip one for the practice of public speaking at a higher level of competence than that achieved in the foundational work done in the MDiv. Attention will be given to teaching in large and small group settings. Additionally, students will consider how the various genres of Scripture should be handled in the pulpit, classroom, and small group setting. Different philosophies will be considered, including expositional vs topical preaching, Christ centered preaching vs contextually sensitive preaching, and preaching the big idea or having multiple points. In addition to the general learning outcomes for the DMin degree program, upon completion of this concentration students will be able to do the following: 1) enhance identified ministerial skills in public speaking; 2) knowledgeable prepare contextually sensitive messages for each genre of Scripture; and 3) evaluate the various preaching and teaching philosophies current in evangelicalism.

Doctor of Ministry, Biblical Leadership

The Biblical Leadership concentration is designed for leaders in nonprofit organizations, parachurch ministries, and local churches. This concentration is particularly suited for Senior pastors, CEOs, and executive church staff who desire to take their management and administrative skills to a higher level of competency as servant leaders. In addition to the general learning outcomes for the DMin degree program, upon completion of this concentration students will be able to: 1) enhance their ministerial skills in the areas of leadership and administration; and 2) refine their ability to lead congregations effectively in situations of change.

Doctor of Ministry, Biblical Counseling

The Biblical Counseling concentration is designed to equip ministry professionals for leadership in ministering and counseling from a biblical foundation. The purpose of the concentration is to equip students for a high degree of competence in areas associated with pastoral counseling. Specifically, the degree is designed for congregational ministers and others who serve in counseling roles. In addition to the general learning outcomes for the DMin degree program, upon completion of this concentration students will be able to:  1) practice theological reflection with issues of human need and pastoral care; 2) enhance their own skills in counseling and soul care; and 3) communicate and apply God’s Word effectively through personal counseling, teaching, preaching, writing or other media.

Doctor of Ministry, Biblical and Theological Studies

The Biblical and Theological Studies concentration is based on the understanding that pastors are practicing theologians. As such, this concentration seeks to improve the student’s biblical and theological competencies through advanced studies in hermeneutics and exegesis, advanced theological methodology, awareness of contemporary theological issues, and enhance the student’s skills necessary to creatively and meaningfully communicate biblical and theological concepts to those under their care. In addition to the general learning outcomes for the DMin degree program, upon completion of this concentration students will be able to do the following: 1) increase their understanding of biblical, systematic, and pastoral theology, and relate this understanding to contemporary biblical, theological and ministerial issues; and 2) apply proper hermeneutical methods across the various genres of Scripture.

DMin Course Requirements / Course Calendar / Concentration Courses



Doctoral Preparation Course

*Ministry Leader as Theologian OR
*Ministry Leader as Disciple

Concentration Course

* Ministry Leader as Communicator OR

*Ministry Leader as Mentor

Concentration Course




*Ministry Leader as Theologian OR

*Ministry Leader as Disciple

Concentration Course

*Ministry Leader as Communicator OR

*Ministry Leader as Mentor

Dissertation Preparation Course (offered in Winter semester)

YEAR 3 Dissertation Writing I Dissertation Writing II


9. What is involved in the Dissertation?

The DMin at STS requires either an approved dissertation as outlined in the Doctor of Ministry Handbook. This is normally completed during the third year of the program. The curriculum in the DMin program is intentionally written so that all work done in each of the courses can provide progress towards the Dissertation.

At Shepherds the goal is that DMin Dissertations must be related to ministry and must make a significant contribution to the ministry of others as well as the student’s life.


10. What are the Program costs?

  • Tuition is $570 per credit hour* (33 credit hours).
  • In addition to tuition, the following fees apply*:
    • STS student fee – $350 per semester during the course-work phase of the DMin (normally, the four semesters of the course-work phase).
    • Resource and library fee – $315 per semester enrolled
    • A continuation fee of $750 per semester will be applied, 1) during any semester the student matriculates in the DMin degree program but does not enroll in a class, or 2) for each semester that the dissertation extends beyond one year after entering the dissertation phase).
    • Graduation Fee $330
  • TOTAL EXPECTED: $22,430 ($3,738 per semester)**

*These tuition and fees are based on the 2024-2025 academic year rates.
**Amounts may increase based upon incremental raises in tuition and fees.


11.  Who can I contact for more information or to further discuss the DMin at STS?

As Director of the DMin Program, I have attempted to address the questions most frequently asked regarding the structure of our program at STS, but also those questions asked regarding its uniqueness, specialties, distinctives, etc. and how it compares to other DMin programs offered at other schools and seminaries. Hopefully this document addresses some of those questions for you.

But each student’s life-circumstances are unique. Therefore, we want to provide you with the advanced training you seek that will “fit you and your ministry”.  I have found that the best way to answer your questions is for us to connect by Zoom or phone call and address your questions, concerns, and any questions you have that were not specifically addressed in this FAQ document.

Please contact me via email and we can arrange to talk at your convenience. Here is my contact information.

May the Lord bless you as you labor in His vineyard,

Timothy Miller