The Paul Jackson Library represents Shepherds Theological Seminary’s commitment to academic excellence and scholarly research. The library holdings are structured to support the research needs of both faculty and students. The holdings are composed of print, digital and other media materials. Printed materials are organized into general circulation, reference, faculty reserves, journals and periodicals. The library currently subscribes to several databases of scholarly journals, dissertations, and ebooks, representing a wide doctrinal footprint. Digital materials are located on several library computers dedicated to student use. The ATLA Religion database, the Theological Journal Library, Proquest Humanities Dissertation Database, and other resources are available locally and remotely through the EZProxy system. Other digital materials are available only within the Jackson Library facilities. Links to selected online public access materials are found on the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) site for the library.
The Paul Jackson Library holdings are housed on the joint campus of STS and The Shepherd’s Church. The Library underwent significant growth and changes in its earlier years. It is now located in an attractive and well-organized facility designed for easy access, as well as for extended study and research. The Library facilities include over 3,000 square feet of new shelving, study carrels, study tables, and circulation desks. The current holdings for STS are in excess of 23,000 print and digital items. These holdings are contained mainly in the Jackson Library. Additional holdings are found in the Pastor’s Library and various teaching sites. Jackson Library, on the main campus, contains 19,000 books, of which 88 percent are classified under LLC subject B (Philosophy, Psychology, Religion). Of those titles, 70 percent represent the school’s focus areas of Bible commentary, Hermeneutics and Exegesis, Theology, Apologetics, Biblical Languages, Church History, Pastoral Ministry, Missions and Biblical Counseling.
The library also offers inter-library loans through a cooperative that has been established with quick access to libraries across the Southeastern United States. The Jackson Library is also a member of the Carolina Theological Library Consortium and offers reciprocal borrowing privileges to many other major theological schools across North Carolina. The STS library offers student orientation regarding research methods, tools and resources that are available. The librarian offers research consultation for guidance with student projects and other research tasks. Assistance is provided toward focusing study, developing writing and argument skills, and becoming more proficient in the use of various research tools and methods.
Main campus students have access to the Jackson Library from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., every day, by means of an electronic key card. Local patron access is by appointment.
The Paul Jackson Library can be reached at (919) 390-1104 or at jacksonlibrary@shepherds.edu.