How would your life be impacted if. . .you set aside one year to study God’s Word verse-by-verse, experience authentic community, study in Israel, receive intentional discipleship, and engage in community ministries, all while earning a master’s degree?
Our Master of Theological Studies is built on the belief that living out the Word of God through the power of the Spirit changes the lives of students and those they will minister to for the rest of their lives. Our one-year format makes theological training available to future teachers, engineers, doctors, programmers, pastors, global workers, and men and women of all professions. Our intentional community challenges students to put into action the truths they learn in the classroom.
One Calendar Year
Community & Discipleship
Master's Degree
Verse-by-Verse Bible Survey
Israel Study Trip
Church Partnership

STS Texas offers a 42-hour, fully accredited Master of Theological Studies (MTS) program in a traditional semester format, taught by the faculty of Shepherds Theological Seminary. Classes are offered on Mondays and weekday evenings in the online, live-synchronous learning format. This degree averages 2-3 years to complete when taking the semester-long courses at a full-time rate. this degree is an excellent way to gain an advanced understanding of the Bible as well as prepare for the Master of Divinity program.
The MTS combines the highest quality academic experience with the mentoring and experience of the Texas campus’ staff. Additionally, students receive access to the STS library and student life opportunities.

Route 66 is an in-depth overview of all 66 books of the Bible. This study goes verse-by-verse through Scripture in chronological order, demonstrating the continuity of God’s Word as His plan unfolds and skillfully harmonizing His progressive revelation.
Route 66 is taught by the staff of STS Texas, and is open for students, their spouses, the congregation of Emmanuel Baptist Church, and the community at large. The program meets Monday through Friday from 6-7:30 a.m. at Aggie BSM and will follow public university class schedules. Classes will not be held over Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Breaks. Route 66 will be offered online for those who are unable to attend classes on campus.
The start date for Route 66 varies, but it typically begins in early September and ends in early May.