What Is Islam and How Should Christians Respond?

What Is Islam and How Should Christians Respond?

In the early seventh century, Muhammad—a Saudi Arabian tradesman with wealth and prominence—first announced that he had received a message from the angel Gabriel and was called to be the next prophet of God. Few could have imagined the international significance...
A Case for Community in the Bible

A Case for Community in the Bible

The last three years have seen remarkable technological acceleration in areas like employment, entertainment, and education. Countless institutions have adopted online platforms that are now here to stay. In Part 1 of this series, titled A Case for Community in a...
Struggles in Spiritual Leadership

Struggles in Spiritual Leadership

In my ministry, I regularly counsel men regarding their role as pastor, preacher, and spiritual leader. These men have a most difficult task and they often ask me for encouragement and advice. Whenever I talk with them, I do my best to represent the Lord Jesus Christ...
Do Dispensationalists Cause Cultural Decay?

Do Dispensationalists Cause Cultural Decay?

Postmillenialists will often claim that dispensationalists do not engage the culture and have no interest in seeing the culture flourish. Furthermore, it is often stated that wherever dispensationalism flourishes, the culture decays. Thus, it is dispensationalism...