Ezra, A Man to Admire and Emulate

Ezra, A Man to Admire and Emulate

Ezra is a biblical figure much to be admired and emulated.  And yet, for reasons understandable (but insufficient), he seems perpetually consigned to the lesser-known category of Old Testament heroes. One reason is that although Ezra plays an important role in two...
Take My Word—Covenants and Treaties in the Bible

Take My Word—Covenants and Treaties in the Bible

How good is your word? A contract may be defined as an agreement that is intended to be enforceable by law. This is why such agreements are often described as being “legally binding.” Contracts may be written or spoken. Yet, as many of us have learned the hard way, an...
A Word About Friendship

A Word About Friendship

Deep and abiding friendships are increasingly rare. The truth is, not only is the world filled with lonely people, but the church is too. And although we are surrounded by people whose faces we recognize, could we really count on them as true friends? FORGING...