Struggles in Spiritual Leadership

Struggles in Spiritual Leadership

In my ministry, I regularly counsel men regarding their role as pastor, preacher, and spiritual leader. These men have a most difficult task and they often ask me for encouragement and advice. Whenever I talk with them, I do my best to represent the Lord Jesus Christ...
Do Dispensationalists Cause Cultural Decay?

Do Dispensationalists Cause Cultural Decay?

Postmillenialists will often claim that dispensationalists do not engage the culture and have no interest in seeing the culture flourish. Furthermore, it is often stated that wherever dispensationalism flourishes, the culture decays. Thus, it is dispensationalism...
Does A Small Group Meet A New Testament Need?

Does A Small Group Meet A New Testament Need?

The New Testament requires certain dispositions and behaviors of the church. A significant number of these dispositions and behaviors have to do with how the body of Christ relates to one another and lives with one another in community. For example, the New Testament,...
Responding Biblically to Atheism

Responding Biblically to Atheism

While the so-called new atheism has already peaked and captured fewer adherents than its prominence in the media might suggest, it has without question made an impact on the American landscape, including the church.1 It is nearly impossible to ignore the publications,...