Pastoral Internship Program

by | Jul 13, 2022 | Testimonials

“Shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.”
1 Pet 5:2-3


Dear Friend,

Negative attitudes towards full-time pastoral ministry are widespread. In the past 3 years, both secular and religious research groups have documented a rapid increase in the number of pastors wanting to quit full-time ministry, citing high levels of discouragement and burnout. Many young men preparing for the noble vocation are faced with both internal and external pressures as they count the cost of disciple-making – fears of a lifetime of financial stress, or mounting family responsibilities – all these poised to eclipse the deep joy and privilege of co-laboring with the Good Shepherd Himself!

At STS, we strive for a holistic seminary education, not only equipping preachers with biblical competency, but preparing them for longevity in ministry. In partnership with The Shepherd’s Church, STS offers a summer internship to our students – alongside other college and post-college age men – all seeking to dedicate their lives to shepherding the flock of God. It is a rigorous two-month program designed to help these aspiring Gospel workers develop comprehensive ministry skills, while they build bonds of friendship.

Yes, a good pastor should preach well, but he must also enter into the deep joys and pains of his congregation, caring for them at weddings and funerals; he must ably administrate, while remaining accountable to chosen elders; and he must be adaptable, able to handle a plethora of responsibilities that will often arise. The faithful minister looks to these tasks, while remaining true to the care of his own family.

Our faculty of seasoned ministers, led by Dr. Alan Potter, comes alongside the interns to provide several curated opportunities for learning, preaching, and serving, all with direct mentorship. Interns experience the real-life ministry of a pastor, including leading in Vacation Bible School, going door-to-door inviting community members to a church plant, and preparing weekly sermons to share in a local retirement community. In addition, the pastors and interns routinely open up their homes to each other, demonstrating and practicing biblical hospitality, cultivating life-long bonds of friendship and accountability.

Due to the faithful giving of our sponsors, we are able to provide these summer internship opportunities to our students. Thank you for your continued support to STS!

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